

This website is owned, maintained, and operated by CALÇADOS PEGADA NORDESTE LTDA, located at Rua Cruzeiro da Rocha, S/N, Bairro Cruzeiro, Ruy Barbosa, Bahia, registered under CNPJ 06.269.953/0001-36, with state registration No. 063.740.732.

If the user needs any information, clarification, or assistance regarding this Privacy and Security Policy, CALÇADOS PEGADA provides a Customer Service Center (SAC) to receive all communications the user wishes to make. The SAC operates through the communication channels listed below:

General Information
CALÇADOS PEGADA takes all necessary measures to protect the user´s privacy, in compliance with the legislation in force. This document details the methods of collection, storage, use, sharing, and disclosure of your personal data, and clearly indicates the measures taken to ensure the protection of the collected data.

Collection and Use of Personal Data
By accessing the Calçados Pegada website and registering, the user consents and agrees with all the mentioned terms and conditions, as well as receiving promotional offers and messages with content about collections and campaigns via email.
To make purchases, the user must register on our website by filling out a form with basic personal information such as name, CPF, and email. After registration, the user can log in to the site using their email.
The personal data collected will be treated and stored automatically in the database, and Calçados Pegada is responsible for preserving and maintaining the confidentiality of all data provided by the user. Therefore, it commits not to disclose, share, give access to, facilitate access to, rent, sell, or exchange such information with third parties.
To enable the completion of purchases on the website, Calçados Pegada may share the user´s personal data with its business partners, such as payment processors, credit card companies, and shipping carriers. In this case, only the data necessary for the business partner to perform its activity (billing, delivery, etc.) will be shared. Additionally, such business partners will be obliged, through confidentiality agreements, not to store, compile, copy, reproduce, or share such data with anyone.

Security Measures
Calçados Pegada adopts advanced technological resources to ensure the security of all personal data collected and stored. Among the security measures implemented are the use of modern encryption methods and the installation of barriers against unauthorized access to the database (firewalls). These measures can be verified by the user by viewing the "security lock" on their web browser when accessing the site.
Calçados Pegada does not store financial information in its database, such as credit card details; the payment approval process occurs between the user, the banks, and the card companies, without the intervention of Calçados Pegada.
Despite Calçados Pegada´s best efforts, the current state of technology does not allow for a completely secure database against attacks. Therefore, Calçados Pegada is not responsible for any damages caused by third parties, including site invasions or database breaches, viruses, or information leaks, unless it is proven that Calçados Pegada is solely at fault.